清莱的 Casa Mio 现场音乐餐厅。 泰国。

CASA MIO Chiang Rai
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Fill up with unlimited happiness.

假设您正在寻找一家餐厅享用美味佳肴和现场音乐以及您最喜爱的饮品。 无论是啤酒还是葡萄酒和鸡尾酒。 有很多人的餐厅 准备好享受有趣的音乐。 Casa Mio Chiangrai 酒吧和餐厅是您正在寻找的答案。

Suppose you are looking for a restaurant to have dinner with delicious food and live music along with your favourite drink. Be it beer or wine and cocktails—a restaurant with many people Ready to enjoy fun music. Pub & Restaurant Casa Mio Chiangrai is the answer you’re looking for.

Casa Mio 餐厅非常受欢迎。 如果你喜欢玩得开心,晚上吃晚饭和听现场音乐。 来清莱一定不能错过这个地方。

Casa Mio Restaurant is very popular. If you like having fun, having dinner and listening to live music at night. Visiting Chiang Rai must not miss this place.

Casa Mio 提供来自世界各地的优质饮品供您选择。 我们在这里出售各种进口葡萄酒和啤酒。 多种口味,既有来自国外的,也有泰国啤酒。当然,我们还有受欢迎的泰国菜。 和标准菜单供您品尝。

Casa Mio offers a selection of high-quality beverages from around the world for you to choose from. Here we sell a wide variety of imported wines and beer. Many flavours, Both from abroad and Thai beer, And of course, we have popular Thai dishes. And standard menus for you to taste.

乐队每天从晚上 8 点开始演奏,有轻松易听的歌曲、情歌和传奇歌曲。 让您享用一顿惬意的晚餐,加上音乐的节奏。 让您在深夜伴随着欢快的音乐起舞,享用您最喜爱的饮品。

The Live-band plays every day, starting at 8 p.m., with easy-listening songs, love songs, and legendary songs. Let you have a cozy dinner, and add the rhythm of the music. Let your dance to upbeat music late at night with your favorite drink.


户外区适合那些喜欢以不太大音量听音乐的人。 一边喝着酒一边和朋友聊天很开心。 感受舒适的氛围。 有一张台球桌供您享用。

玻璃房内的主要区域,凉爽的空调,享受聆听嘈杂的音乐。 更接近乐队。

在二楼,您将拥有私密的氛围。 因为有时你可能想和你爱的人或你朋友的团体在一起

There are service areas divided into three zones,

Outdoor zone for those who like to listen to music at a not-very loud volume. Happy to chat with friends while sipping drinks. Feel the comfortable atmosphere. There is a pool table to enjoy.

The main zone inside the glass room, a cool air conditioner, enjoy listening to loud music. Closer to the band.

On the second floor, you will have a private ambiance. Because sometimes you might want to be with the one you love or your friend’s group.

Casa Mio Chiangrai 酒店位于Klang Wiang 路,距离King Mengrai 纪念碑有2公里。 Khua Phaya Mangrai Bridge附近,您可以乘坐公共或私家车轻松前往。

您可以将车停在停车场和路边。 有保安人员照顾。 免费停车场。 不收取额外费用。

每天 17:00 – 00:00 营业

更多信息和餐桌预订 0956809494

Casa Mio Chiangrai is located on Klang Wiang Road, 2 km. from King Mengrai Monument. Near the Khua Phaya Mangrai Bridge, you can travel easily by public or private car.

You can park in the parking area and on the roadside. There is a security guard to take care of. Free parking. No additional charge.

Open daily from 17:00 – 00:00

More information and table reservations 0956809494